Post Session FAQs
So, what happens now?
Our session is complete, and now the anticipation grows as you refresh social media anxiously awaiting your sneak peek! Here is a simple guide to let you know what to expect from now until delivery.
Make sure your invoice is paid, I do not start this process until the session invoice has been paid in full :)
Step Two: Sneak Peek!
This is probably, by far, my client's most exciting part of the waiting game. The little sneak peek, a bite in the fruit of our labor! Something you can love, share, tag - all the things. Sneak peeks are scheduled to post every morning in the order in which the session was taken. So in peak season when I'm shooting anywhere from 4-12 sessions in a week this may mean your sneak peek is posted about a week or more after your session date. In the slower seasons I try to get these up within 4-5 days of your session. I always encourage my clients to tag themselves and share from my page, make it your profile image, your cover, whatever makes your heart sing! If you're cropping please try to tag my business, but not totally necessary, it just helps with getting my business out there to new clients. I always want to choose what image best represents our session, the connection, the location, something that really speaks to me. For me as the artist, this is where I get to show off my talent and the best of the best. This also is what opens new lines of communication with potential clients for future sessions which is what keeps my business thriving!
Where to find sneak peeks:
Step Two Sidebar: The Highlights Packages
If you purchased The Highlights package for your family's session I will be delivering a proofing gallery instead of a sneak peek. This proofing gallery can be expected in 2-5 business days and will allow you to see all the best shots from your session to select your final gallery images. Typically this gallery will contain around 25-35 images, but keep in mind, this gallery has only been through my first step of culling and is only lightly edited for color, sharpness, and brightness for you to view. Any additional edits will be made to your selected images, or the entire gallery if you choose to upgrade.
Step Four: Gallery Delivery!
Once the waiting is over comes the FULL GALLERY DELIVERY! Full galleries typically take two weeks give or take a few days and are sent to the email you provided in your contract. This email is sent from my website host (From: Erin Rose Photography LLC) so often times it will end up in a promotions or junk folder. It's important to keep an eye out on all your folders starting a week after your session so you don't miss it. But, if two weeks has passed and you still haven't seen it please reach out so that I can either give you an update or resend.
Once you receive your gallery you need to do these things:
- Save or print the email or forward to anyone else who might need it.
- Click on the link to your images and bookmark that link to your favorites.
- If using a mobile device, download the app associated with my galleries so that they can be easily accessible on the phone without taking up room.
- Using your computer download your images and store them on an external hard drive or flash drive. Images will always be accessible here on your gallery, but it's important to have them stored. There are full instructions, step by step on how to do this in your email.
- Make note of your password, your print codes and the expiration date of your codes in your calendar. Just like any coupon code, it's important to use before it expires.
Step Five: Shop and Share!
From here, you can post to social media, send to relatives, and MOST importantly (to me, anyway) ORDER PRINNNTTSSS... Or just about anything, for that matter. I love when my clients share their images because it lets me get that warm fuzzy feeling with them. And when you order prints I get even more excited. The print lab associated with your gallery is Millers (formally known as MpixPro). This is a professional print lab created for photographers and available only to those professionals and their clients. It works just like any other consumer lab and everything is shipped right to your home. I have always encouraged my clients to order directly from their gallery for that reason, print quality makes a world of difference that you may not have ever noticed before. It's mostly technical jargon but essentially, different labs sometimes have monitors that haven't been calibrated for years or different inks and chemicals responsible for printing. A professionally maintained lab is the only thing that can guarantee a consistent quality of work and still supports true small businesses.
Now offering custom designed albums!
Check out these short videos comparing Keepsake and Heirloom Albums
Step Six: Share Your Experience!
In the coming week you will receive an email with links on how to share your experience on Google. Facebook reviews and recommendations are also amazing for me, but Google Reviews are ultimately the best way for my business and website to gain rankings on search engines. And often times I also share them on my social media and website!
If you'd like to do so now, click this button!
Stay in the loop!
If you'd like to stay in the loop about session availability, sales, mini sessions and more I highly recommend joining the Facebook VIP group.
Still need help or have a question? Please reach out!
I am always here to help, that is part of what makes me - ME!
Great customer services is a really important aspect of a small business, that is why I created this page and it's probably why so many people recommend me- Just sayin!