Tharyn's senior session in Historic Charleston, SC
Tharyn is ready for graduation and heading to Alabama for pre-law next year. That said, I think the outfits she selected for herself for senior portraits in Charleston were the perfect mix of sophistication and personality. I always encourage my seniors to select outfit options that make a statement, but more importantly that statement really needs to be about you! Let your personality shine, let your ambitions sing, and dress to impress in whatever way that means to you.
I loved her first look, a Boucle Sequin Cropped jacket and shorts. It's very Charleston and I've even seen Venita Aspen from Southern Charm rock this look! By selecting an outfit that wasn't necessarily the "newest" or "latest" fashion look they were able to save money and find it at an affordable price just for this session. This outfit worked perfectly for Rainbow Row as the sequin and pastels pull a lot from the backdrops in this area. It gives a trendy but professional look for sure.
Tharyn chose her Bardot Remy Lace black dress specifically for the City Hall steps because she loved the contrast and details, and I completely agree. It was the perfect style and texture for the marble, and check out those boots!
I'm a huge fan of anything BOLD in this location including color, design, or texture. This was definitely more of a fun outfit that lends itself to be a bit more playful, a bit more her age yet something that I think will remain fairly classic looking for years to come.
Talk about jaw-dropping style...
Tharyn's outfit for South of Broad was a floral blazer dress by ROTATE and as seen on the show Empire. Again, shopping for an "older look" allowed her to get a great deal on this find while still presenting as sophisticated, strong, and powerful. I love this look for her and I feel like it's definitely a must show look for those sorority applications.
And finally, the classic white dress. You can't ever go wrong with this look, especially since this is what most high school seniors are required to have under their cap and gown. This look is perfect for almost any spot in Charleston including Rainbow Row, The French Quarters, White Point Garden or along The Battery as you see here.
Choosing your outfits for your senior portrait session shouldn't be too overwhelming. Focus on what you love and the style you want to represent and I'll work with you on where each outfit looks it's best. I know the Charleston Historic area like the back of my hand so we can take any vision you have and bring it to life!